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Hatha Yoga vs Ashtanga Yoga

Writer: KazliKazli

Updated: Sep 3, 2019


In today’s post, I will explain the difference between Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga and the benefits of each. Let’s start with Hatha Yoga. Associated with Yogis of Tibet, Hatha yoga is a bit more physical than Ashtanga. The Sanskrit word Hatha ( हठ ) literally translates to “force”. You may ask, what force? Well, it’s kundalini (your inner energy). Hatha Yoga is about focusing that energy by channeling it through your Chakras (more on Chakras in another post) . The oldest form of Hatha yoga dates back to at least the 2nd century BCE. That’s old, right?! The key benefits of Hatha yoga include strength, body conditioning and balance from the "ha" (Sun) and "tha" (Moon) energy. Let's move on to Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga is about synchronising your breath and postures to allow energy to flow through you. Confusing? Let me explain. It's about breathing in time to your poses. Just like dancing! The Sanskrit word Ashtanga अष्टांग means eight limbs. What eight limbs, you might ask? Those that are part of the Yoga Sutras (more on this another day). The third limb, Asana (poses), must be practiced before you can master the other seven. Did you know that Ashtanga yoga is actually a branch of Hatha yoga? So, they’re connected! The main benefits of Ashtanga include consciousness (especially on breathing), improved cardiovascular fitness and, as with most forms, flexibility. To summarise, Hatha yoga is about energy within your poses whereas Ashtanga Yoga is about flowing with your breath.

But remember, Yoga is Yoga and any branch you try will bear fruit. So, give it a try !!


1 Comment

Sep 16, 2019

Very informative post. I always wondered what these yoga prefixes meant. Please keep it flowing and enlighten us on what Vinyasa and Yin are :)


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